terça-feira, dezembro 21

a inteligência do silêncio

Primeiro, vamos falar um pouco a respeito de inteligência. Ao contrário do que se pensa, inteligência não tem nada a ver com conhecimento ou memória. Inteligência demanda honestidade, sinceridade e, de uma certa forma, dúvida. Tudo o que é revelado em Satsang deve ser acessado inteligentemente. Enquanto palavras, o que está sendo dito, não importa de maneira nenhuma. Não memorize nem tente relembrar o que estou dizendo. De preferência, esqueça.  O que está sendo dito, só tem uma função: possibilitar que, através da inteligência, você investigue o que está sendo apontado.

No nosso condicionamento, não é pedido inteligência. Nos é pedido, consistentemente, que sejamos obedientes. Inteligência, no entanto, é uma outra forma de ver. Inteligência faz com que você olhe para o que está sendo revelado, e esse olhar possibilita o ver.  Tudo o que está sendo dito aqui, tem que ser olhado e investigado por você.  Esse é o seu trabalho. E, claro, muito passará pelo filtro da interpretação. talvez, inclusive, você ouça a sua mente dizer: "Isso eu já sei!" Mas, não esqueça, não é a mente quem tem que saber. Estamos aqui para irmos mais fundo. Tente de novo e de novo...

Todos nós temos a capacidade de ver. Nos foi dado o instrumento que possibilita essa visão. Apenas use a inteligência - que é um atributo da Consciência, não da mente. A mente é instrumental, mas o que importa para compreender Satsang, é a Consciência.  Aliás, em Satsang, é a Consciência que fala e é a Consciência que escuta.  A mente apenas organiza de modo que possa ser transmitido. A transmissão, em si, não é final. A transmissão é para dar partida a algo. A compreensão é fundamental. E uma vez visto, você realiza a Verdade e vive a partir dela, sob uma nova ótica.

Consciência é essencialmente tudo o que existe. É impossível não ter acesso à Consciência que já é você. Talvez isso surja como uma grande novidade ou algo muito difícil de ser compreendido, mas proponho que você fique quieto e veja que tudo o que você nota é notado pela Consciência.  E, por favor, entenda "notar" aqui não como ter palavras para um determinado objeto. Você pode não saber o nome daquilo que está notando, mas você está notando.  O notar vem antes. O nome vem depois.

Nesse instante você está nascendo e morrendo. Você está notando, dando um nome e descartando. E o meu convite é que você esqueça o nome e fique simplesmente com o que nota. Veja! Não estou me referindo ao que você nota. Quero que fique com aquilo que nota. Há um notar. E é isso que deve ser percebido como sendo você.

Todos põem nomes nos objetos e os chamam de "eu" ou "meu". Nisso, esquecem que a vida não depende do objeto e sim o objeto que depende da vida. Consciência é vida em si, é o que anima o objeto. E o que anima o objeto não é um objeto - não pode ser tocado, visto, cheirado... Aceite o convite de ver algo que não pode ser visto e entre no mistério que é você.

Descarte inteligentemente tudo que lhe disseram e ouça essas palavras como se fosse a primeira vez.  Está disponível aqui e agora. Consciência não pode ser vista através dos sentidos, no entanto é tudo o que existe. E se há quietude decorrente à audição, nesse instante, esse é o quadro que denota que você passou do entendimento à realização. Ouça o que está sendo dito, olhe para onde está sendo apontado e aquiete-se. Note que a sua atenção é silenciosa e sem conteúdo. Veja que, agora, a mente não está dizendo nada. E esse notar não implica em dizer algo - é um simples notar.  Se a mente está melhorando o que está sendo dito, você ainda está dividindo as coisas.  Aquiete-se mais um pouco, ouça o que está sendo dito e veja onde isso o leva.

2 comentários:

  1. the intelligence of silence

    First, let´s speak a bit about intelligence. On the contrary of what is thought, intelligence has nothing to do with knowledge or memory. Intelligence demands honesty, sincerity and, in a way, doubt. All that is revealed in Satsang must be accessed intelligently. While words, what is being said, doesn´t matter in any way. Don´t memorize or try to remember what I am saying. Preferably, forget. What is being said, has only one function: to make possible that, through intelligence, you investigate what is being pointed.

    In our conditioning, intelligence is not asked for. We are asked, consistently, to be obedient. Intelligence, however, is another way to see. Intelligence makes you look at what is being revealed, and this looking makes seeing possible. All that is being said here, has to be looked and investigated by you. This is your work. And, of course, much will pass through the filter of interpretation. Maybe, also, you hear your mind say: "That I already know!" But, don´t forget, it´s not the mind that needs to know. We are here to go deeper. Try again and again...

    We all have the capacity to see. We were given the instrument that makes this vision possible. Just use intelligence - which is an attribute of Consciousness, not of mind. Mind is instrumental, but what matters to understand Satsang, is Consciousness. By the way, in Satsang, it´s the Consciousness that speaks and it´s the Consciousness that listens. The mind just organizes in a way that can be transmitted. The transmission, in itself, is not final. The transmission is to give something a start. The comprehension is fundamental. And once seen, you realize the Truth and live from it, under a new optics.

    Consciousness is essentially all there is. It´s impossible not to have access to the Consciousness that is already you. Maybe this comes as great news or something too difficult to be understood, but I propose that you be quiet and see that all that you notice is noticed by Consciousness. And, please, understand "notice" here not like having words for a certain object. You may not know the name of what you are noticing, but you are noticing. the noticing comes first. The name comes afterwards.

    In this instant you are being born and dying. You are noticing, giving a name and discarding. My invitation is that you forget the name and stay simply with what notices. See! I am not referring to what you notice. I want you to stay with what notices. There is a noticing. And that is what must be perceived as being you.

    Everybody puts names in objects and call them "I" or "mine". In that, they forget that life is not dependant on the object but the object is dependant on life. Consciousness is life in itself, is what animates the object. And what animates the object is not an object - can not be touched, seen, smelled... Accept the invitation of seeing something that can not be seen and enter the mystery that is you.

    Intelligently discard all that you were told and hear this words as for the first time. It is available here and now. Consciousness can not be seen through senses, although it is all that exists. And if there is quietness due to listening, in this instant, this is the picture that shows that you went from understanding to realization. Listen to what is being said, look to where is being pointed and quiet down. Notice that your attention is silent and without content. See that, now, the mind is not saying anything. And this noticing doesn´t imply saying something - it is a simple noticing. If the mind is improving on what is being said, you are still dividing things. Quiet down a little more, listen to what is being said and see where it takes you.

  2. the intelligence of silence

    First, let´s speak a bit about intelligence. On the contrary of what is thought, intelligence has nothing to do with knowledge or memory. Intelligence demands honesty, sincerity and, in a way, doubt. All that is revealed in Satsang must be accessed intelligently. While words, what is being said, doesn´t matter in any way. Don´t memorize or try to remember what I am saying. Preferably, forget. What is being said, has only one function: to make possible that, through intelligence, you investigate what is being pointed.

    In our conditioning, intelligence is not asked for. We are asked, consistently, to be obedient. Intelligence, however, is another way to see. Intelligence makes you look at what is being revealed, and this looking makes seeing possible. All that is being said here, has to be looked and investigated by you. This is your work. And, of course, much will pass through the filter of interpretation. Maybe, also, you hear your mind say: "That I already know!" But, don´t forget, it´s not the mind that needs to know. We are here to go deeper. Try again and again...

    We all have the capacity to see. We were given the instrument that makes this vision possible. Just use intelligence - which is an attribute of Consciousness, not of mind. Mind is instrumental, but what matters to understand Satsang, is Consciousness. By the way, in Satsang, it´s the Consciousness that speaks and it´s the Consciousness that listens. The mind just organizes in a way that can be transmitted. The transmission, in itself, is not final. The transmission is to give something a start. The comprehension is fundamental. And once seen, you realize the Truth and live from it, under a new optics.

    Consciousness is essentially all there is. It´s impossible not to have access to the Consciousness that is already you. Maybe this comes as great news or something too difficult to be understood, but I propose that you be quiet and see that all that you notice is noticed by Consciousness. And, please, understand "notice" here not like having words for a certain object. You may not know the name of what you are noticing, but you are noticing. the noticing comes first. The name comes afterwards.

    In this instant you are being born and dying. You are noticing, giving a name and discarding. My invitation is that you forget the name and stay simply with what notices. See! I am not referring to what you notice. I want you to stay with what notices. There is a noticing. And that is what must be perceived as being you.

    Everybody puts names in objects and call them "I" or "mine". In that, they forget that life is not dependant on the object but the object is dependant on life. Consciousness is life in itself, is what animates the object. And what animates the object is not an object - can not be touched, seen, smelled... Accept the invitation of seeing something that can not be seen and enter the mystery that is you.

    Intelligently discard all that you were told and hear this words as for the first time. It is available here and now. Consciousness can not be seen through senses, although it is all that exists. And if there is quietness due to listening, in this instant, this is the picture that shows that you went from understanding to realization. Listen to what is being said, look to where is being pointed and quiet down. Notice that your attention is silent and without content. See that, now, the mind is not saying anything. And this noticing doesn´t imply saying something - it is a simple noticing. If the mind is improving on what is being said, you are still dividing things. Quiet down a little more, listen to what is being said and see where it takes you.
